
One of the key challenge in today’s health analysis is that the data is very sparse: individuals are examined at health centers, with expensive equipment, by trained experts and only after the individual is suspected or identified of a health condition. Can we encourage healthy and disease-prone individuals to frequently measure health parameters, contribute to a large data collection and enable a new range of algorithms to exploit and enable predictive analysis?
This workshop will focus on development of personal, affordable, accessible, portable capture devices and/or corresponding computational algorithms. We will investigate opportunities at the intersection of computational imaging, computer vision, image analysis and machine learning. We would like to discuss new computational solutions in healthcare for health status assessment, monitoring of epidemiological trends and predictive analytics.

Organizers: George LeifmanAdithya PediredlaAshok Veeraraghavan, Ramesh Raskar



13:15 – 13:30: Gathering + welcoming note

13:30 – 14:00: Invited talk: “Computer Vision in Medication Adherence: Lessons Learned and Research Challenges”, Alex Jaimes, AiCure

14:00 – 14:30: Invited talk: “Gauss Surgical: from vim to the FDA” , Siddarth Satish, Gauss Surgical

14:30 – 15:00: Invited talk: “Cardiac Interventions using Ultrasound and Augmented Reality”, Terry Peters, Western University

15:00 – 16:00: coffee break + posters and demos

16:00 – 16:30: Invited talk: “Video Magnification for Healthcare”, Neal Wadhwa, MIT

16:30 – 17:00: Invited talk: “Early detection of systemic diseases using  retina image processing”, Shyam Vasudevarao, Forus Health



Call for Papers / Demos

We especially encourage abstracts describing work in progress, preliminary results or novel approaches to all aspects related to the development of personal, affordable, accessible, portable capture devices and/or corresponding computational algorithms.

Please submit PDF abstracts by e-mail to aaah.iccv15@gmail.com. Submissions should include one or more paragraphs (up to 1 page) describing the proposed poster/demo, as well as author names and affiliations. We encourage you to submit supporting materials, such as published papers, images or other media, videos, demos, and websites describing the work. Attachments under 5 MB are accepted. Otherwise, please provide a URL.


Poster/demo submission deadline: October 23, 2015

Poster/demo acceptance notification: October 25, 2015

Workshop date: December 11, 2015 (Santiago, Chile)